Breakdown 75 VDC to 1000 VDC. Common application : pipeline flange insulation protection. Heavy duty gas tubes are encapsulated and terminated with copper bus bar leads 18" long.
Breakdown 75 VDC to 1000 VDC. Direct earth burial with communication cables for protection of insulating sheathing against puncture due to induced high voltage build up on static shielding. Heavy duty gas tubes encapsulated with #6 cable terminations.
Extra heavy duty gas tube arrester for isolation of equipment grounds from earth ground. One, two and three pole units available, Nema 4 enclosure. Under surge conditions gas tubes "short" the two grounds. Breakdown 75 VDC nominal.
Breakdown voltage coordinated with cathodic rectifier voltage. Extra heavy duty gas tube arrester in explosion proof enclosure. Typical application : protection of pipeline flange insulation against puncture. Gas tubes in parallel for extra protection and redundancy.
Heavy duty 3 electrode gas tube arrester for critical service, typically used in railroad applications. Protection line to line and each line to ground. Surge currents to 75 KA on 8/20 µs wave, 5 KA on 10/1000 µs wave. Voltage breakdown 75 VDC to 1000 VDC.
Heavy duty 2 electrode gas tube works in conjunction with semiconductors. Protection provided line to ground. Surge currents to 75 KA on 8/20 µs wave, 5 KA on 10/1000 µs wave. Typically used in critical service railroad applications. Voltage ratings to 120 VDC and 125 VAC.
Miniature medium duty 3 electrode gas tubes work in conjunction with semiconductors. Protection line to line and each line to ground. Surge currents to 30 KA on 8/20 µs wave. Typically used for 4-20 ma wire pair circuits. Voltage rating (AC and DC) from 10V peak to 50V peak.
Breakdown 75V peak to 2000V peak. For more detail see Coaxial RF Power section of website. Heavy duty coaxial gas tube arrester. RF power 30W to 10.000W.