Lightning Protection Corp.
P.O. Box 6086, Santa Barbara,
CA 93160 Phone: (800) 317-4043
phone: (805) 967-4577
Fax: (805) 967-4320
All Categories > Gas Tube Spark Gaps > GAS TUBE LIGHTNING AND SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES -- TWO AND THREE ELECTRODE -- 75 TO 5000 V > View Items  


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LIGHTNING PROTECTION CORPORATION manufactures specialty gas-filled, non-radioactive, lightning and surge protective devices. These spark gap arresters come in a variety of surge current capabilities and physical dimensions, with two or three electrodes. The high temperature, ultra-pure electrodes are silver brazed to high alumina ceramics in vacuum and backfilled with inert gas mixtures. The entire cycle is automatically controlled by computer controlled equipment.

Surge current ratings are available to 150 KA for 8/20 µs wave, to 10 KA for 10/1000 µs wave, and to 50 KA for 10/350 µs wave. Breakdown voltage ratings range from 75 VDC minimum to 5000 VDC maximum.

Applications include protection of electronics, electrical control, grounding, isolation, railroad, pipeline, military, and any other industrial application where gas tube / spark gap device is applicable.

Characteristics include bipolar and automatic operation. Device extinguishes on each current zero. Capacitance 0.5 to 5 pico farads. Resistance 10,000 megohms in non-conducting state. In the arcing state a 15 to 25 volt drop occurs for one ampere to several thousand amperes.

    Standard diameters available for two and three electrode models :
  • 0.750” for extra heavy duty
  • 0.500” for heavy duty
  • 0.310” for medium duty
  • 0.140” for light duty
Terminations available include wire, p.c. board type, studs (threaded or solid), tab, ferrule, railroad applications, coaxial applications, and others specified by the customer.

Customer supplies available specifications and description of their application and LPC will assign the appropriate “dash” number, which will uniquely identify the part with regard to number of electrodes, lead type, and breakdown voltage.

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Item #



Surge capacity


Wire terminations

LPC 102-series Medium duty 0.310” dia. ceramic body, length from 0.250” to 0.500”. 20 KA on 8/20 µs wave. Available in 2 electrode and 3 electrode common chamber #20 or #18. PC board mount #18
LPC 108-series Heavy duty 0.500” dia. ceramic body, length from 0.500” to 1.120”. 50 KA on 8/20 µs wave
7 KA on 10/1000 µs wave
Available in 2 electrode and 3 electrode common chamber, and coaxial (50 ohm, 75 ohm) wire, screw, stud, ferrule, pc board, custom
LPC 110-series Extra heavy duty 0.750” dia. ceramic body, length 1.500”. 10 KA on 10/1000 µs wave
150 KA on 8/20 µs wave

50 KA on 10/350 µs wave
Available in 2 electrode and 3 electrode common chamber, and coaxial (50 ohm, 75 ohm) screw, stud, ferrule, custom
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